Can we discuss the kitchen island for a moment? It’s causing me angst.
Here’s why:
Our kitchen is small. Only 11 x 11. The wall that separates the kitchen from the dining room is coming down but, even still, the entire space is only 26 feet deep. We want an open kitchen with an island (for both work space and breakfast bar/socializing space with a few stools). But because the kitchen is small, we need the island to come out a bit into what would be the dining area – otherwise it would be too tight as far as walking around the island. Need a min of 36 inches from kitchen counters to island. We also want a nice dining room table so we don’t make the island to a huge monstrosity focus for the whole left side of our house.
This photo is actually not accurate but it gives you a sense of the downstairs plans. The fridge is actually going to be across the way from where it is now. The doorway to the left of the island into the sun room will be widened, and the door will go. We’ll have rounded steps going into the sun room (it’s now a mudroom but we’re turning it into living space).
The island is actually too far into the kitchen in this drawing because we don’t meet the 36 in minimum. So for this to work, we’d need it to come out more…which means bringing the tile out more, which means the dining area is smaller and the fireplace (which we can lose completely since it’s not going to be a working fireplace) will be off-centered.
Additionally I fear that the stools will compete with the table and it will look like two pieces of furniture back to back.
I’ve whittled down our options to:
- No island – not really an option because we need the counter space and we want one :)
Island with no stools – not really an option because we want them :) - Peninsula – not really an option because door will be widened and doesn’t solve our issues of infringement on dining space.
- 3 x 5 Bi-level island – while I’m not a huge fan normally, I think a bi-level island like this will give workspace on one side (20 in - granite) and breakfast bar (16 in - hard wood) on another. The tiled floor could come to the end of the work space portion and switch to the hard wood at the raised breakfast bar. The hard wood countertop for the breakfast bar breaks things up and doesn’t make it look like your kitchen is in your living room and the heightened level means the stools will be taller and might not compete as much with a dining table.Love this one
Note: I don't love this island, but it does illustrate what it would be like with a dining table right behind a bi-level island. I like how the stools don't compete with table chairs. - 3 x 5? Sideways Island with stools at end - This would allow us to have the island further into the kitchen. It's narrower so it might be less of an obstruction and focal point - even if it goes as far into the dining room as the bi-level island would. The tiled floor would prob go 3/4 of the way down the length of the island so that people sitting on stools would have wood below their feet.
Really like this a lot - the island in our kitchen would be going the other way, though and the stool on end would face the kitchen window. Can you picture it?
Note: While I love the first island photoed, I do believe that this one above is prob the size we'd be working with because I beleive the kitchen it is in is around the size/configuration of our kitchen.
I think I am leaning toward 4 (vertical/sideways island). Chris likes 3 (bi-level). Neither are ideal but we need to work with the space we have. Either way we like a more furniture look like the examples in here. We do like some sort of butcher block top – or something that differs from what we hope to be light or greyish granite/marble countertop/backsplash for the actual WHITE kitchen cabinets. Maybe a dark brown or black island as Amanda suggested. Would love your thoughts!
Is the 36" thing a code issue? Or just a comfort issue? What if it's not a 'fixed' island, does that make a difference? Our island isn't fixed so we can actually move it around, and we turned it 90 degrees from it's original location that the old owners used, and this way works a lot better for us. I like option 4 the best. I feel like to make the bi-level island work you need a wider island...but, I feel like either would work. I love the island in the picture though, I like the furniture look. (probably because we are the same person) :)
ReplyDeleteIf it is fixed, would it have wheels? I wonder how easy it would be to move it and how often we would if we had cabinets filled, etc. It's an interesting point. I think I need to go to the house and put duct tape down to map out exactly where both would go and just see what feels right.
ReplyDeleteOh and as for distances from counter to island, I've done a lot of reading and talked to peeps at Home Depot (we love Janice at the HD in Danvers, Mass.), and 36 inches is really the absolute minimum... Suggestions are 48 inches but that's just not doable. A walkway can be less, but since it will be work space and the fridge and stove will be close to it, we'll just need more room. I'm fine with 36 inches but, based on all this, I prob wouldn't want to go less than that.
Since we're the same person, can you just design everything and tell me what I like? Thanks :)
if you could send me a plan with dimensions - lauren would be happy to try and figure something out!!! she's itching for something to work on!!! or better yet, email her